
Traditional Portuguese Torrefacto Coffee


Coffee currently not available


 Café Aroma - Tuguinha


Torrefacto Coffee?
Torrefacto coffee is a special form of roasting coffee beans. It has a long tradition in Portugal and is still appreciated today. This type of roasting is found only in Spain, France and Latin America (Argentina, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay).

The special feature is that a certain amount of sugar (or molasses, or carob extract), at most 15% of the volume of green coffee to be roasted, is added to the coffee beans during the roasting process, so that the beans caramelise. The beans roasted in this way are mixed with conventionally roasted beans, usually with a 20-30% share of torrefacto beans. 

The Caracteristics?
The torrefacto bean can be recognized by its darker color and the typical vitreous shine. Due to the sugar glaze, these beans can be roasted darker than usual, which gives them a longer shelf life than conventional beans. This used to be the reason for this type of roasting: making the grains more durable, caramelising them and thus preserving the aromas. Nowadays, the airtight packaging with the aroma protection valve does this job.

By adding sugar during the roasting process, the effect of the roasting reaction (Maillard) is enhanced, allowing the beans to further develop the flavors they contain. This also reduces the acidity of the coffee and also softens the bitter flavors, if any. The addition of sugar during the roasting process in addition increases the formation of compounds with antioxidant properties. 

The most suitable Preparation Method?
In principle, torrefacto beans can be used for any preparation method, but the results differ in taste:

  • Professional espresso machine: here a dominant acidity appears
  • Automatic machines: the acidity disappears almost completely, the coffee has a smooth and creamy taste
  • Filter coffee: here also predominates a pleasantly soft and creamy coffee
  • Coffee drinks with milk: our recommendation - with cappuccino & co., coffee aromas come out particularly well

The Calories?
Compared to regular coffee, torrefacto coffee has a little more calories, but the calorie content is still very low.

And the Coffee Grinder?
Our blend contains 30% torrefacto beans, and the coffee grinders have no problem with that. In general, torrefacto beans do not cause more deposits in the coffee grinder than with conventional beans. Only mixtures containing 60% or more of torrefacto coffee can cause difficulties with domestic coffee grinders. Professional grinders always work without problems, even with these blends. Nevertheless, the Torrefacto coffee should always be stored in a dry and very airtight place.

The Name "Tuguinha"?
Since torrefacto coffee is very typical of Portugal and has a long tradition, we wanted both to be reflected in the name of the product. So, Tuguinha in Portuguese is the diminutive of tuga, the short form of portuga. Portuga it is an informal term for a "typical" and traditional Portuguese.

The Term "Torrefacto"?
The dictionary Priberam of the Portuguese Language says that torrefazer means the same as torrar (both: to roast). Therefore, torrefacto (ou torrefeito) simply means roasted